Updates From Israel
News & Stories
We want to wish all of our dear friends and family a Happy Hanukkah as we celebrate the Festival of Lights and remember the incredible, impossible victory of the Macabee's over the despotic regime controlling Israel. While the parallells are not exact, we know...
December 1, 2023 Newsletter
Today is Day 55 of the continuing war in Israel against the brutal terrorist group now known worldwide as Hamas. Hamas violated the cease-fire at 5:00 this morning, and Israel showed restraint for two hours while a barrage of rockets was being shot into Israel by...
November 1, 2023 Newsletter
ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK It has been three weeks since the massacre of October 7, and it's becoming clearer what Israel is facing. Over 230 Israelis and citizens of other countries, young and old, healthy and sick, infants and the infirm, are being held in Gaza or are...
October 1, 2023 Newsletter
Shalom, dear friends and family. At long last, Fall has finally arrived.........at least on the calendar, if not yet with much cooler temperatures. It's still in the 90's here in Mississippi. Days are getting shorter, the children are back in school, and we're...
September 1, 2023 Newsletter
August was a very full month, as they all seem to be lately. We had many international family members visiting from Israel (see FAMILY PHOTO ALBUM BELOW), lots of friends at the house and in the area, and want to welcome our third great-grandchild, Honey Ruth, who...
August 1, 2023 Newsletter
See the family photo album below. This has been a very 'hot' month, here and in Israel, literally and figuratively. The Southern US has seen record-setting heat and high humidity, and Israel has seen record-setting street protests and pushback against proposed...
July 1, 2023 Newsletter
Shalom, dear friends and family: As Summer arrives with increased temperatures., humidity, and longer days, tensions in many parts of the Middle East, including Israel, are also rising. Perhaps in response to the worldwide 21 days of fasting and prayer for Israel or...
June 1, 2023 Newsletter
This year is certainly turning into a 'fly-by.' It's hard to believe that Passover was almost two months ago, Shavuot was last week, and that now, Biblically, we're in that Summer period, anticipating the sounding of the Shofar to welcome Rosh haShanna and the Fall...
May 1, 2023 Newsletter
This past week in Israel has been a rollercoaster of emotions. We had two memorial days, one for the Holocaust (Yom HaShoah), followed by one for fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism (Yom HaZikaron). Hours before Yom HaZikaron even began this year, and there was a...
April 1, 2023 Newsletter
As we approach Passover this week, we pray you are walking closely and daily with the Lamb of God, who takes away all sin with His atoning blood. As we read Isaiah 53, we see Yeshua pictured here as the future and eternal sacrifice. And that sacrifice has already been...
March 1, 2023 Newsletter
TERRORISM IS ON THE RISE IN ISRAEL Tragically, this week two Israeli teenage brothers were killed by terrorist violence in the West Bank town of Huwara. Tragically, 'settlers' from the nearby village responded with violence and vandalism. Tensions...
February 1, 2023 Newsletter
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure. TERRORIST ATTACKS IN JERUSALEM International Holocaust Remembrance Day was not a day of peace in Jerusalem. As the world commemorated International Holocaust Remembrance Day,...
About Us
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.
– Psalms 125:1-2, NIV
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Post Office Box 255
Magnolia, MS 39652