February was something of a ‘fly-by’ month. We had a wonderful 3-day visit from our sons Jeremy and Benjamin and our daughter-in-love Becky – no agenda or issues, just hanging out and loving one another. We had a great 2-day visit and work session with good friends and ministry partners Jim and Claudia Woodard from Texas and Trent and Marla-Jean Kleinsmith from Louisiana. This was a working session in preparation for this year’s Passover Seder. Factor in routine Doctor appointments, church functions, and just ‘life,’ and it was a busy month. Additionally, we prepared for upcoming ministry trips and were able to meet several people as we experimented with a Saturday morning ‘outreach’ involving free coffee & donuts. We are still busy preparing for the Seder and upcoming speaking engagements. In the area of ‘family events,’ our first great-granddaughter (third great-grandchild) was dedicated to the Lord this past weekend. The clan continues to grow…….. a few pics are below.
Did you know that the UN has a separate agency that only serves Palestinians? There is no other group of people in the world that gets their own UN agency. This organization is now in the 76th year of its original 3-year mandate. Instead of helping Palestinians settle down and build peaceful communities, for decades, UNRWA has used money from generous Western donors to perpetuate the conflict under the guise of “humanitarianism.”
Did you know that UNRWA created its own definition of “refugee” status? In the rest of the world, refugees are people who are forced to flee their country of origin. They are served by the UN’s Refugee agency, which helps them gain citizenship and adjust to their new lives in new places. But UNRWA doesn’t want Palestinians to adjust to reality. If they did, UNRWA would go out of business! Instead, it extends “refugee” status to the original refugees’ great-great-grandchildren and beyond. Thanks to UNRWA, there are scores of Palestinian millionaires who hold multiple foreign passports yet are still considered “refugees” under this definition.
Did you know that UNRWA runs 278 schools for 291,000 Gazan children? In these schools, the UN teaches Palestinian children that they are “refugees,” even though they are Palestinians living on Palestinian land. UNRWA praises terrorists who kill Jews, celebrates martyrdom, and teaches students that one day Israel will be destroyed.
Did you know that UNRWA almost exclusively hires Palestinians? No Jews allowed! Every other UN agency is staffed by people from around the world. This helps UN agencies maintain genuine “neutrality” in conflict zones that are full of political tension. But UNRWA is unique. Over 99% of its employees are Palestinian nationals. According to Israeli intelligence, approximately 15% of adult males in Gaza have ties to Hamas. But within the staff of UNRWA, it’s 23%. A greater percentage of UN employees in Gaza are Hamas-affiliated than the general populace of Gaza!
What happens when well-meaning Western donors feed money to a UN agency that turns a blind eye to terrorism? The numbers tell the story.
On October 7th:
- 133 UNRWA school graduates invaded Israel to murder and kidnap Israeli civilians,
- 12 UNRWA staff directly participated in the massacre,
- 2 UNRWA teachers held hostages captive in their own homes,
- 30 UNRWA teachers publicly celebrated the violence on social media while 1,200 UNRWA staff quietly helped Hamas with cars, weapons, money, information, and hideouts.
In the wake of these damning revelations, 14 donor countries, led by the United States, have paused their funding to UNRWA, demanding an investigation. It’s a good first step, but this call for an “investigation” could be an invitation to sweep UNRWA’s problems under the rug. Fire a few people, blame the “few bad apples,” rename a few departments, and turn the money spigot back on. Why? Because “UNRWA is the only option.”
Here is what we’re confident the “investigation” will intentionally miss:
UNRWA is the only option because Hamas made it that way. UNRWA developed a monopoly on aid delivery in Gaza because it is the only aid agency in the world that has been willing to play by Hamas’ rules, which are: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
- When Hamas puts its members on the payroll, UNRWA allows it because Hamas isn’t recognized as a terrorist group by the UN!
- When Hamas stores rockets, grenades, and suicide belts inside UN schools, shelters, and clinics, UNRWA pretends not to see them.
- When Hamas fighters jump onto aid trucks to steal their contents, UNRWA claims they’re just providing security.
You understand the problem now. You see that we can’t waste this moment. Now is the time to radically restructure UNRWA to stop the ongoing radicalization of Palestinian society.
Why? Because Palestinians deserve better than UNRWA.
They deserve food, medicine, and shelter delivered by transparent organizations that are not routinely infiltrated by terrorists. They deserve to receive humanitarian aid and not see most of it stolen by Hamas. They deserve schools that promote coexistence with Jews and other minorities in the Middle East.
- Michael and Patricia
- Our Grands, Layel, Elon & Keturah
- Guess Who?
On Shabbat, 23 March, Jews around the world will celebrate Purim. Purim is a joyous Jewish holiday remembering the Jewish people’s salvation from a death sentence that occurred during the reign of King Ahasuerus. A death sentence was issued against all Jews in the kingdom because a Jewish man refused to kneel and bow down to the prime minister, Haman.
When Haman saw that Mordecai was not bowing down or paying him honor, Haman was filled with rage. But it was repugnant in his eyes to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had told him the identity of Mordecai’s people. So Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus (Esther 3:5-6).
There is no mention of God’s name in the Book of Esther, and we do not know why. However, this festival has become a beautiful remembrance of the deliverance of the Jewish people from the attempt of wicked Haman, the Agagite, a descendant of Amalek, the eternal enemy of God (Ex.17:16). In this passage, the Jewish people are identified as “Mordecai’s people.” Their identity was the primary reason for their death sentence. Anti-semitism continues to remain a constant threat even today, and, just like Esther, we are invited to speak out and raise awareness of it, even in high places.
Many believe that the ‘Spirit of Amalek’ rests on the leadership of Hamas, ISIS, the PLO, Fatah, and Hezbollah, seeking to destroy Israel and our Jewish people.
Though faced with annihilation, our ancestors fasted and prayed and sought deliverance. We can use this example in our own lives as a reminder to trust in the unseen but ever-present God. He is faithful and true and has given us ultimate salvation through Messiah Yeshua.
Am Yisrael Chai. Od Aveinu Chai.
(The People of Israel Live, Still our Father Lives)
- release of the 132 hostages still held by Hamas – today is Day 145 since 7 October 2023 invasion & pogrom
- election of a pro-Israel, pro-America President, Senators, and Representatives in America this year
- secure borders for Israel & the US
- continued open doors for ministry for the Bryan’s
- continued exposure of anti-Semitism in America and worldwide
- dismantling of Hamas, Hesbollah, PLO, Houthi rebels & their Iranian backers
There are a few NEW options if you are prompted to partner financially in ministry with us:
If you don’t need a tax deduction, you can send funds to us directly via the INTERNET through PayPal. Use [email protected], which is Michael’s account. Send as a friend, and there is no cost to you or us.
If you don’t need a tax deduction, you can send funds to us by check, payable to Michael Bryan, and mail to Michael Bryan, PO Box 255, Magnolia, MS 39652.
Tax-deductible donations by CHECK can be made payable to Isaiah 61 Ministries and mailed to:
Isaiah 61 Ministries
PO Box 255
Magnolia, MS. 39652
You will receive a printed receipt and our eternal gratitude.
Tax-deductible donations via the INTERNET can be made through the KKCJ website, www.kkcj.org. Engage the “Give” tab at the top of the page, select “Staff Support,” and select “Michael Bryan.”
We are grateful to receive a partial salary from the King of Kings Community to help with the ministry’s work. As God opens new doors for us, we know He will supply the needed resources to enable us to minister from America to Israel and to the Nations. May God continue to bless you as you continue blessing Israel and us.
It is our great joy to continue serving the Most High God for 42 years, all possible through your generous encouragement, support, and love. We believe the season will be the best yet, and we bless you all for your commitment.
Michael & Patricia
- Grandkids Avery & Randi with great-granddaughter Honey at the baby dedication ceremony, Sunday, 25 February, at Bethany Church Walker campus
- (l) our son Jeremy, Michael, (r) our son Benjamin
- Banners from the outreaches in January & February